Marine Plates and Extrusions

Constellium has developed a dedicated range of products for marine design and construction. These products have been selected for their suitability to the demands of marine design. Depending on the application, a number of conventional products (5083 and 5086) are available, as well as our specialized marine solution Sealium which maximizes benefits.
Created and patented by Constellium, Sealium became an international reference for shipbuilders, designers and manufacturers of long vessels, yachts, and ferries. Sealium is a 5383-based alloy that enables manufacturers to take the design optimization to another level. The additional weight savings will result in pure performance and higher economic efficiency on the seas. Sealium also incorporates superior resistance to corrosion that will result in a longer operating life for vessels.
Our aluminium solutions feature a combination of properties that perfectly fit to the design and production requirements of the marine industry:
Low density
Corrosion resistance
Higher fatigue resistance